inteliLIGHT NB-IoT streetlight control, part of Telekom’s Smart City project in Bonn, Germany

After successfully demonstrating inteliLIGHT’s NB-IoT controllers during Telekom’s Prototyping Hub Summit earlier this year, Flashnet’s innovative streetlight control solution is now part of the Bonn Smart City pilot project.

Brasov, ROMANIA, 06 November 2017

The UN Climate Change Conference is starting today in Bonn, and the city managers, together with Deutsche Telekom, wanted to make a statement: Bonn is becoming a Smart City. Part of the pilot project in Bonn, Deutsche Telekom is installing smart streetlight controllers for the street lamps, smart waste containers and air quality sensors.

Flashnet’s inteliLIGHT® NB-IoT street lighting control system has been selected to transform the existing lighting installation into a modern and proactive infrastructure. On the short term, the city management gains awareness and control over the entire street lighting grid, together with improved scheduling and maintenance optimizations. On the long run, everything is aimed to run more smoothly and efficient, aiming to significantly reduce the city’s environmental footprint.

The lights can be dimmed or even switched off in case of low traffic, by using a fixed timetable combined with motion-triggered adaptive lighting technology, thus minimizing the energy consumption. Furthermore, the system reports any malfunctions in real time, optimizing repair teams scheduling and lowering maintenance costs by an estimated 60%.


But this is not all. Most smart city initiatives require power and communication available city-wide, in order to install different sensors and actuators and connect them to the Management Software. In Bonn, Telekom provides NB-IoT connectivity, and the lamp-level control solution installed by inteliLIGHT® keeps the lighting grid powered up even during the day, providing continuous power for additional IoT devices and applications that can be added to the system as it develops.

NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) is a carrier-grade technology that uses existing GSM infrastructure to provide almost omnipresent connectivity for millions of low-consumption devices anywhere within existing coverage. Telekom has identified and promoted multiple NB-IoT applications in the last year, encouraging the development of prototypes and use cases and proving the efficiency and sustainability of the NB-IoT ecosystem.

Mr. Lorand Mozes, CEO of Flashnet, has explained why the inteliLIGHT® of NB-IoT installation in Bonn is such an important development for the company: “Bonn is a true landmark in Germany and in Europe, we are proud to be one of the companies chosen for this Smart City pilot project. It is a confirmation for both NB-IoT as a communication technology and the inteliLIGHT® NB-IoT integration. We hope this is only the first step towards city-wide rollout and reaching Bonn’s environmental objectives.”.

About Telekom

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies, with 156 million mobile customers, 29 million fixed-network lines, and more than 18 million broadband lines. It provides products and services for consumers, and information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for business and corporate customers in more than 50 countries around the world.  (


FLASHNET is a fast-paced tech company that integrates the latest IT, energy and telecommunications technologies into hardware and software solutions, creating and implementing intelligent systems for smarter cities and better infrastructure. Founded in 2005, FLASHNET is a leader in intelligent utility management systems, with worldwide operations. (

About inteliLIGHT®

inteliLIGHT® is a smart street lighting control solution that offers detailed lamp-level management capabilities (ON/OFF, dimming, real-time reporting) over multiple IoT communication technologies. In-depth grid awareness is obtained through accurate utility-grade readings of any changes occurring along the grid, reducing energy loss and offering advanced maintenance optimization tools. Furthermore, inteliLIGHT® is integrated with Smart City management platforms and offers support for further Smart City development.. (