Barcelona: Flashnet features inteliLIGHT smart streetlight control with a brand new software approach during Smart City Expo World Congress in November 2021

In the latest SCEWC edition that took place in mid-November, over 14.000 professionals and more than 300 speakers, leaders and innovators from over 100 countries were present both online and in person, in Barcelona, to debate, compare, share ideas and experience technologies for a smarter and more sustainable world. Cisco Systems, Accenture, Axis Communications were only a few of the leading international companies that the event reunited.
After a long period of virtual conferences, we were thrilled to take part in one of the most important events around the concept of Smart City. Exchanges of ideas, networking and interacting during the physical meetings and discussion allowed everyone to get a better grasp of the whole event.
All of the visitors and participants who came to Engie’s booth were eager to find out more about smart cities and smart streetlight control and pathways to improve citizens’ life in today’s challenging urban context. During the three days, Flashnet, as part of Engie, demonstrated how the inteliLIGHT® solution is already improving the urban landscape of hundreds of cities on five continents. Participants at the event had the chance to find out more about how inteliLIGHT’s third-generation Central Management System is used by city managers and public lighting operators as a comprehensive tool.
Everyone showed a high degree of interest in the latest generation of inteliLIGHT CMS, a state-of-the-art smart city management software. It comes with an advanced technology that provides an user centric experience through a highly customizable and dynamic interface, together with maintenance and workflow optimization, so city managers can focus on what matters – understand trends and act in time.
What stayed at the core of this year’s edition was helping cities to create forward-thinking, sustainable and fully inclusive cities. And that is the guiding principle of the inteliLIGHT solution too: helping cities reach their efficiency and sustainability objectives through a fully interoperable smart public lighting solution that enables the management and control of multiple urban applications. That is being done through autonomous operation (including on/off and dimming, based on astronomical calendar or motion sensing) and in-depth grid awareness that encourages information flow and optimization.
About Engie
A global energy and services group, focused on three core activities: low-carbon power generation, mainly based on natural gas and renewable energy, global networks and customer solutions. In 2018, ENGIE announced the acquisition of 60% of Flashnet, a Romanian Internet of Things (IoT) company. Thanks to its solutions, many cities, both large and small, already enjoy all the benefits of smart public lighting networks. Learn more on
About inteliLIGHT
inteliLIGHT® is a smart street lighting control solution that offers detailed lamp-level management capabilities (ON/OFF, dimming, real-time reporting) over multiple IoT communication technologies. In-depth grid awareness is obtained through accurate utility-grade readings of any changes occurring along the grid, reducing energy loss and offering advanced maintenance optimization tools. Furthermore, inteliLIGHT® is integrated with Smart City management platforms and offers support for further Smart City development. (
FLASHNET is a fast-paced tech company that integrates the latest IT, energy and telecommunications technologies into hardware and software solutions, creating and implementing intelligent systems for smarter cities and better infrastructure. Founded in 2005, FLASHNET is a leader in intelligent utility management systems, with worldwide operations. (