Brasov is one of the first European cities to manage all its street lights through an integrated remote lighting management system, thus also introducing the Smart City concept in Romania.

The announcement was made public on May 20-th 2014, during a press conference held by the Brasov City Hall. The system’s installation is going to cover the entire city in the following 18 months. It will allow interactive control of the street lighting for 10.481 poles along 399 streets, reducing energy consumption by an estimated 30%. The street lighting upgrade was not the only priority of the city regarding this project: inteliLIGHT, the preferred solution, will also integrate a video surveillance system, panic buttons in high risk areas and other smart features.

Remote ON/OFF operation and gradual dimming of the city’s street lighting are the main features of inteliLIGHT, the street lighting management system to be deployed in Brasov. In addition, the system will monitor 24/7 the grid’s key parameters, offering analysis and planning tools that aim to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs.

It will monitor the street lighting grid in Brasov, notifying of any malfunction or unauthorized energy consumption. The system will inform the maintenance teams directly about any grid current or predictable malfunctions, providing real time accurate information, increasing efficiency and reducing maintenance costs by 42%.

The system is designed and developed to meet the specific needs of any city and to allow the installation of additional Smart City applications. For example, Brasov authorities also wanted to integrate a video surveillance component, 43 panic buttons across the city, as well as a city-wide WiFi network. inteliLIGHT accommodated these requests from the early design stages, so the city of Brasov will have all these features installed together with the system, plus support for any other applications to be considered in the future.

inteliLIGHT is a Romanian street lighting management solution with international brand awareness and recognition. With successful implementations in cities like Mecca and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia, more than 60000 lamps already managed) and pilot projects already functioning in Hungary, Indonesia, Russia, Australia or Bahrain, this is one of the most important streetlight remote management systems worldwide. www.

inteliLIGHT is designed, developed and implemented by Flashnet SRL Brasov, a Romanian technology company established in 2005. With worldwide business operations, Flashnet is one of the leaders in developing intelligent solutions for energy and utilities management.