Thank you all for visiting us in Light + Building fair in Frankfurt. Potential customers or simply interested techy people, we did our best to present and demonstrate inteliLIGHT® to everyone. And together with our energy efficient street lighting management solution, the “near zero street lighting energy costs” project, the newest technology developed in Flashnet’s laboratories, was well received by everyone.


Increased interest for energy efficient street lighting management

This year’s edition of the Light + Building fair showed us the increasing interest regarding the benefits of efficient street lighting management: improving system uptime and maintenance efficiency, lowering energy costs and reducing CO2 emissions. The possibility to integrate along the lighting grid developments like Electrical Vehicle chargers, smart grid & smart metering or renewable energy sources caught the attention of our visitors as this opens a new path for smarter cities.


inteliLIGHT® proved again that it is a green

Sustainable and reliable street lighting management solution and an affordable smart city platform – and we have hundreds of business cards and additional information inquiries to prove it. The fair was an excellent opportunity for us to meet our customers and from all around the world and to let them know the amazing things we are building here, in Brasov. Thank you again and we are looking forward to the 2016 edition!